Mar 29, 2023Liked by rayna gellert

I deleted all of my socials over a year ago and have only recently created new accounts. I really appreciated the time away and, like you, focused on our newsletter and our youtube channel.

I created new accounts recently because I felt like I needed to make money and socials certainly can help with that.

However, since creating the new accounts, I have not posted a single thing. Also, we are finding ourselves so inundated with work (both music and art) that I don't feel like I need to.

My conclusion: socials matter but the payoff is not so significant that it's worth it to be on them.

Secondary conclusion: let others do the promotion.

Good luck with your experiment!

Howard R.

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Thanks, Howard! It’s encouraging to hear you’ve been thriving without the socialz. 🥳

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by rayna gellert

Hi Rayna! Thanks for the updates. I relate a lot to your feelings on social media and I too, am taking a step back. Maybe others will follow in your footsteps and start newsletters of their own? I would like that. The Phantom Important Thing and hours lost trying to find it are truly scary... but it's not all negative, which is why that relationship to the socials is so tricky, am I right? Good job taking time away, regardless. Just a thought - you're a great writer and fun to read, maybe you could write something more than a newsletter? I know - a lot to ask - but I, for one, would read it.

Anyhow, I am doing my last day of skiing up in NH ("Live Free or Die") this coming weekend and I was wondering if there'd be a way to access the "Gone to the Free State" lesson at another time? I will happily pledge my support as well.

Thanks as always, and I hope you have a great day!

Anne Rouillard

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Mighty kind of you to encourage more writing, it’s very appreciated. 🙏 And yes: social media DO offer a lot, which is why it’s hard to extract ourselves!

To answer your question about the livestream tune workshop/hangout: I plan to leave it up & accessible on my YouTube channel, so you can revisit whenever you like. 🎻🤓🤘

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